Developing mind and healing power by Dr BK Chandrashekhar

lpExpomumCelebrated facilitator Dr BK Chandrashekhar’s workshop on mind and memory is insightful and utterly delightful.  It takes an indepth survey of the power of the mind and helps us to apply it practically for greater success and capability.

The workshop is divided into two parts wherein the first session deals with healing the negative effects of anger on the body, effectively demonstrated through live aura scans done by a lecher antenna. The second session is about identifying the problem areas, and healing them though charged water. There are also some stunning demos on how to improve your memory dramatically.

Dr BK Chandrashekhar is a Raj Yogi, International Memory Trainer, Motivational Speaker, a Guinness World Record Holder, and Psycho Neurobics specialist.

Sound Vibronics by  Shruti Nada Poddar
lpmum4The sound-healing workshop is a complete journey of discovering one’s personal vibrations through the science of Nada (sound), exploring and balancing the esoteric energies of the body through chakras, and realising one’s healing power through beej (seed) mantras.

Shruti’s workshop offers intensive information regarding the impact of sound on human body, followed by a cleansing through Nada vibronics. The workshop offers remedies for ailments and maladies.

Shruti Nada Poddar, a Delhi Ratna award recipient, successfully plays the role of an educationist, musician, and sound healer. She has been exploring the healing potential of the Indian science of Nada through clinical and experimental research. Her brand of Nada Vibronics is a healing ecosystem for curing autoimmune diseases. She is an exponent of traditional Indian knowledge systems and philosophy.

The Pranic Force by Partha Gupta

lpmum10“Change comes only when the breath shifts,” says Partha Gupta. Our breath carries not only oxygen but also prana – the giver of life force, vitality, health, ideas, dynamism and confidence. His one-day workshop on ‘breath’ provides a comfortable space for healing by directing prana to various body parts. The workshop also provides guidance towards manifesting your dreams and desires through the marvellous intelligence of prana. Techniques of using mudras correctly and efficiently for optimising the flow of prana in the body are offered too.

Facilitator Partha Gupta is a master breath trainer from Hyderabad, who learnt the processes of life from the great Himalayan Masters, and the kriya yoga tradition of Shibendu Lahiri, great grandson of Lahiri Mahashaya. He has empowered many to heal ailments and manifest their intentions by connecting to their breath.

Create your Future by Vyjayanti Tejuja and Radhika Chopra

lpmum9If you don’t like the life you lead, perhaps it is time for you to tune in to the messages the Creator is sending you. The Creator is not separate from the creation and all of life is a co-creation with Him. We birth a new future when we tune into the messages, the Creator is giving us in this moment. Facilitators Vyjayanti Tejuja and Radhika Chopra will empower you with the tools to create the best life possible for yourself in collaboration with the Universe.

Vyjayanti Tejuja is an Access Consciousness Bars and Body process practitioner and facilitator, along with being an ESB (Energetic synthesis of being) practitioner.

Radhika Chopra is a Transformation Coach, a certified facilitator with Access Consciousness, and a Quantum Transformational Coach. She is also a Body Facilitator working with‘Hands on Processes’ to unlock areas of issues in the body.

Book Launch of  Dr Sant S Dharamananda’s Mystic Experiences with Himalayan Masters
